Corn Earworm
Low corn earworm migration risks remain in the forecast for the next three nights until a cold front moves through the corn-growing region early-mid next week. Rather persistent south to southwest winds are likely especially west of Lake Michigan this weekend into early next week, and Low risks are in the forecast initially tonight into tomorrow morning mainly along/west of I-35 in Iowa and Minnesota, with the risk then advancing southeast with time to near the Mississippi River tomorrow night into Sunday morning and then near Lake Michigan by Sunday night into Monday morning. As Florence moves north into the eastern corn-growing region by early next week, it will phase with the low pressure system across the northern Plains and northwest winds are likely to funnel in behind the departing low pressure system, ending the migration risk. Growers in the northern corn-growing region with crops still at susceptible stages to damage should continue to monitor traps and scout fields until the crop is harvested or no longer at risk given additional migration possibilities and recent moth flights.