Corn Earworm
Low corn earworm migration risks have been placed in the forecast tomorrow night into Saturday morning across portions of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, western Iowa, and into western Missouri as weak southerly flow to the east of a cold front is likely to develop. Corn earworm moth source regions across the southern and mid-south regions of the United States are becoming less attractive locally, so moths are likely to begin moving north over the next several weeks to find more favorable food sources. As a result, even with less than ideal conditions, migration risks will become more aggressive across the corn-growing region as we move through the remainder of the month of August. Additional Low risks ahead of this same front are predicted across virtually the same region early next week from late Monday into Tuesday but also further east into Wisconsin and Illinois as southerly winds spread east. Growers should become more active in monitoring traps and scouting vulnerable fields, including fresh market and processing fields, over the next few weeks.