Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

A very favorable weather pattern for potential corn earworm migration events is expected to begin developing later tonight and should persist through the entire forecasting period and likely beyond into the middle of next week. South to southwest winds should be rather common especially across the western and central corn-growing region through this time period. Low risks are in place tonight and tomorrow morning mainly across southern South Dakota, Nebraska, southwest Minnesota, western Iowa, far western Missouri, and Kansas. Moderate risks are then in place from Friday night through Tuesday morning, with risks Friday night into Saturday morning across portions of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and northwest Missouri. The risk then spreads north and east to include these same states and also portions of North Dakota and Wisconsin Saturday night into Sunday, and further east into Wisconsin and Illinois by Sunday night into Monday. Fields in southwest Michigan and portions of Indiana are also included in the Moderate risk by Monday night into Tuesday of next week. A persistent area of high pressure is expected to become entrenched across the southeast United States while low pressure remains in place in southern Canada and a trailing cold front south into the Plains states. In between these two features, south to southwest winds should be rather common and occasionally gusty leading to potential corn earworm migration events. Processing and fresh market growers are especially at risk as staggered and late plantings may be affected with any new migrations in the next week or so especially where fresh silks are still present.