Insect Alert For

Black Cutworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

The active weather pattern across the corn-growing region is predicted to continue right into the upcoming holiday weekend, with resultant prospects for black cutworm migration increasing as well. Moderate risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow morning across eastern Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and southern lower Michigan as south to southwest winds increase ahead of showers and thunderstorms to the east of a cold front. Low risks are found primarily from I-35 to the east, or from northeast Kansas and northwest Missouri into Iowa and southeast Minnesota and points east. Low risks are in the forecast tomorrow night into Friday morning further to the west from northeast Kansas and Nebraska east into the southern Great Lakes region as a new low pressure area develops in the Plains states. As a cold front moves to the east by late week and into next weekend, Moderate risks are back in the forecast Friday night into Saturday morning mainly east of I-35 in Iowa and southeast Minnesota into southwest lower Michigan and northern Indiana. Low risks extend east all the way into southern Ontario, Canada and Ohio. Growers that just recently planted or have yet to plant corn and that may be located in the Moderate risk areas should pay close attention to the potential for new moth flights that could result in cutworm damage once the crop enters into critical vegetative growth stages next month as heat unit accumulations increase.