Insect Alert For

Black Cutworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

A rather persistent weather pattern featuring high pressure in the eastern United States with a series of low pressure systems in the Plains is expected to lead to southerly winds across a large portion of the corn-growing region for the balance of this week and into the weekend. There will be areas more favored for potential black cutworm migration risks, however, especially outside of potential rain shields and where southerly winds may be more focused and/or stronger. Low risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow mainly between I-35 and I-75, or from eastern Kansas into Missouri, Iowa, and southeast Minnesota as far east as lower Michigan and western Ohio. Low risks essentially focus over this same region tomorrow night into Thursday, but do eventually begin to shift further west as high pressure in the eastern United States does look to move to the west. If this occurs, southerly winds would also re-focus further west, so Low risks in the long term are initially west of I-75 but by the weekend are found mainly west of I-57 and Lake Michigan. At any point in the next week, southerly winds do not look overly strong and given the mid-late May time frame and corn planting/emergence progress thus far, risks are kept in the Low category. Growers with newly emerged corn are encouraged to scout fields regularly, looking for black cutworm larvae and any potential cutting/feeding damage until the crop has grown past critical stages of growth.