Insect Alert For

Black Cutworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Black cutworm migration risks will continue periodically for the next five days in response to an active corn-growing region weather pattern. No less than two separate low pressure systems are expected to impact the region between now and into early next week. Low migration risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow mainly east of a line from near Springfield, Missouri to north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as a cold front pushes east through the Mississippi River valley. After a brief break early in the weekend from notable risks, Low risks return to the forecast mainly west of the Mississippi River by Sunday night into Monday, and then into the Great Lakes region by Monday night into Tuesday as another cold front moves through. At this time, the progressive nature of both systems does limit the migration risk but there could still be some areas that see some more intense flights, just not on as widespread of a basis due to the quick-moving nature of the fronts.