Corn Earworm
Corn earworm migration risks will be on the increase in the next week as the heat dome that has been affecting much of the southern and southwest United States at least nudges its way northeast a little bit into a portion of the corn-growing region this week. There is still some uncertainty in exact placement and how precipitation chances may affect the overall risk, but the general consensus is that fields along/east of I-35 stand the best chance of corn earworm migration mid-late week. Low risks are in the forecast tomorrow night into Wednesday from Kansas, Missouri, and western Kentucky as far north as eastern South Dakota, southern Minnesota and Wisconsin, and into southwest lower Michigan. Low risks are currently in the forecast mid-late week and also into early next weekend as well, focusing a little further east into the Mississippi River valley and southwestern Great Lakes region. It is likely that elevated risks will be issued in the next few days given the overall pattern so stay tuned!