Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Another low pressure system and attendant cold front will impact much of the corn-growing region over the next few days. Southerly winds in advance of a southeastward-moving cold front will be found in a corridor from Texas right into the central and northern corn-growing region overnight tonight into tomorrow, and may result in some scattered moth flights especially into portions of Iowa, southern Minnesota, and western Wisconsin where a Moderate migration risk is in place. As the front settles southeast later tomorrow into Wednesday, overall wind flow is not expected to be quite as favorable as tonight so Low risks focus mainly east of a line from near Wichita, Kansas to Green Bay, Wisconsin. Growers with crops at or near critical growth stages, including not only fresh market and garden produce but also earlier plantings of sweet and field corn may begin to see some impacts and should monitor traps and scout those fields closely especially given documented flights in scattered areas in the past few weeks.