Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

An active start to the week weather-wise is anticipated across at least a portion of the corn-growing region, with a warm front dividing very warm/hot and humid conditions to its south to more average temperatures and moisture to the north. Southerly winds feeding north into this frontal boundary may serve as a corridor for corn earworm migration, as well, and migration risks are in the forecast on a nightly basis into Thursday this week. The most favored area for more widespread and/or intensive flights appears to be mainly between the I-80 and I-90 corridors and west of the Great Lakes. Low risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow mainly along and south of I-90 as most precipitation should focus near and south of this interstate. By tomorrow night into Wednesday, Moderate risks are predicted from southeast South Dakota and northeast Nebraska east across far southern Minnesota, northern/central Iowa, far southwest Wisconsin, and into northern Illinois as southerly winds increase and precipitation focuses near/along the boundary, serving as a drop out region for any migrating insects. A cold front looks to eventually move east through much of the corn-growing region by Thursday, essentially ending any migration risk by that point in time. Growers with crops at or near susceptible stages to corn earworm damage should continue monitoring traps and scouting fields, and new flights can be expected at least on an isolated basis this week but mainly focused west of the Great Lakes and south of the I-90/94 corridors.