Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

A cold front is expected to pass through the corn-growing region between now and Saturday. Just east of the front, a corridor of south to southwest winds is ongoing and likely to continue to spread east a little further each day this week as the front moves east. Within this corridor, at least isolated corn earworm moths are expected with scattered flights now predicted for tomorrow night into Friday across the eastern corn-growing region. Tonight into tomorrow, a Low risk is predicted from south central Kansas northward into central Minnesota and as far east as southwest lower Michigan, central Indiana, and western Kentucky. Moderate risks have been introduced to the forecast tomorrow night into Friday across portions of Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, lower Michigan, and also into southern Ontario, Canada east of Detroit, Michigan where scattered flights will be possible as this area may see south to southwest winds a little longer compared to tonight’s risk. Growers should monitor traps and scout fields as at least isolated flights are expected over the next 24-48 hours, with the potential for slightly more widespread flights in eastern fields tomorrow night into Friday.