Corn Earworm
An active period of weather is expected for the corn-growing region from now until early next week, with what appears to be no less than two cold fronts during this time. Corn earworm migration risks will continue until the second, and stronger, front clears the area early next week. Processing and fresh market growers should continue to monitor traps and scout fields until the threat has subsided, or until harvest occurs, as these are the only fields left and attractive to corn earworms at this point so moth pressure could be locally high. Low risks are found tonight into tomorrow mainly between I-35 and I-69, with the risk re-focusing further west tomorrow night into Saturday as the next cold front takes shape. Low risks then extend into much of the eastern half of the corn-growing region from just west of I-35 all the way east as far as southern Ontario, Canada, Ohio, and Kentucky Sunday night into Monday as the second cold front begins to push east. This second front looks to effectively end any migration threats as northwest flow locks back in and more widespread and prolonged fall weather settles into the corn-growing region to round out the month.