Insect Alert For

Soybean Aphid

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Soybean aphid risks remain in the Low category this week. There have been some reports of increased soybean aphid populations across portions of the upper Midwest especially in northern Iowa and Wisconsin, but these increases have only led to isolated spraying needs and the vast majority of fields are still below threshold. In addition, with the exception of later or re-planted fields, many soybean fields are advancing past critical thresholds where treatments are justified especially in the earliest planted fields and across the southern portion of the risk area. Growers are advised to continue to actively scout fields – especially those in the critical reproductive stages (R1-R4) where any treatments necessary will be of most benefit. Weather conditions are predicted to be favorable for continued isolated population increases in the next week, so close monitoring of populations in fields where there are soybean aphids present is highly encouraged.