Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
High Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Western bean cutworm moth flights continue across portions of the corn-growing region, although a northward shift in peak flight is noted as the annual flight begins to subside in southern areas where this insect resides. High risks remain in Nebraska, with Moderate risks across portions of Colorado and Nebraska as well as in Wisconsin, far northeast Indiana, northern Ohio, lower Michigan, and east into southern Ontario and southwestern Quebec provinces in Canada. Low risks for isolated flights and issues are found in northern Kansas, southeast South Dakota, western Iowa, southwest Minnesota, southern Wisconsin, northern and eastern Illinois, central Indiana and Ohio, and further northeast into southern Canada. Growers are advised to regularly scout vulnerable fields, especially where peak flight is occurring or about to, as the treatment window for this insect is very narrow. We will continue to see the flight decrease over the coming weeks in many areas, but growers should remain vigilant until the threat has passed for this year’s crop.