Western Bean Cutworm
The annual western bean cutworm flight is underway across a good portion of the corn-growing region. High risks are now in place especially across portions of southwest and western Nebraska where trap counts are consistently high and where egg deposition is likely occurring or will occur. Moderate risks extend across a good portion of central and southern Nebraska as well as northeast Colorado and northern Kansas. Moderate risks are also found further east across northern and central Indiana where some traps are capturing rather high moth counts in some fields. Additional higher moth counts may occur across far southwest lower Michigan and northwest Ohio by late week where Moderate risks are also in place by that time. Low risks extend from western Nebraska and northeast Colorado northeast as far as southern Ontario and southwest Quebec, Canada as well as into upstate New York. Growers located in the usual “hot spots” in recent years for this particular insect should monitor trap counts locally as well as look for egg masses on leaves, and take appropriate action where conditions warrant.